Residential Experience
Residential Life
Participants engage with a cohort of young adults experiencing similar challenges. The group living experience mimics school or family environments and helps young adults develop skills to manage relationships with those around them. Mentor staff live alongside participants and manage interactions, the daily schedule and activities. Mentor staff and participants move through the daily schedule together participating in activities and groups together, managing daily assignments and to-dos, and helping participants address challenges and any difficulties.
Community Engagement
While at Confluence participants live within a community of peers. Together they co-create an experience where each contributes to the daily functioning of the program. From daily tasks including preparing meals together and managing the tidiness of the living spaces, to more creative pursuits such as making music and art together, participants shape a positive peer community where each person and their contributions are valued and respected. The results are positive connection, trusted relationships and an environment supportive of healing and growth.
Living Arrangements
The program feels, looks and functions as a home-like environment. The residence includes a spacious living room, a library, exercise/yoga space a dining room and kitchen. On-site participants sleep on the second floor in shared rooms with en-suite bathrooms. Confluence’s group living arrangements are similar to shared living arrangements at summer camps or school dormitories.
Skill Development
Assertion of Needs
Build Awareness/Insight
Understand Patterns of Thought and Behaviors
Develop Resilience
Distress Tolerance
Response Flexibility
Executive Functioning
Effective Communication
Resolve Conflicts
Find Balance
Stay Steady, Calm and Focused
Act with Courage
Embrace Change
Extend and Receive Empathy
Practice Vulnerability and Interpersonal Closeness
Connect With Others
Open Your Mind and Heart
Find Peace