Daily Life

Every aspect of the process is designed to bring your experience to the forefront. The daily schedule, clinical sessions and activities are structured to engage a Participant in the journey of self-discovery, healing and growth.

Individual Clinical Sessions

Participants at Confluence pair with a primary therapist whom they work with one-on-one for the duration of care. The clinician and participant collaborate to create individualized treatment plans with meaningful goals and objectives as identified by the participant. Participants and primary clinicians meet for three sessions per week; typically a one-on-one session, a family session and a treatment team meeting each week.

Group Therapy

Each week Confluence clinicians lead six group therapy sessions which all participants partake in. Groups are a therapy modality wherein clients learn and practice recovery strategies, build interpersonal skills, and reinforce and develop social support networks. DBT, CBT and processing groups support learning and developing skills and fostering relatability through understanding and empathy.

Nutrition and Food

Eating well is feeling well. Nutrition plays an important role at Confluence and meals are made of healthy whole foods with nutrition as a primary focus. Participants engage with staff to prepare and bring meals to the table. Staff and participants eat three family-style meals together each day. Confluence can accommodate nearly all dietary and nutritional needs.

Therapeutic Modules

Each week participants take part in therapeutic modules that open up avenues of expression, demonstrate patterns and offer insight into one’s modes of being. Intention and attention are a brought to each module with metaphor and engagement providing a valuable lens to process the experience. Expressive arts, kitchen, garden and outdoor modules offer skill development and opportunities to be, relate and feel.

Health and Wellness Practice

While at Confluence participants bring a new attention to their physical health and wellbeing. Program curriculum seeks to help participants build healthy patterns of nutrition and diet, rest and activity, and relationship to technology. Wellness practices include mindfulness-based stress reduction, meditation, expression of gratitude and social connection.

Life Skills Development

Confluence unique hybrid model, allows for participants to build and practice real world skills. From macro skills including executive functioning, planning and organization to smaller details of managing the cleanliness of physical spaces, to laundry and kitchen experiences. Participants build tools needed for success in school, work and family environments.